Sunday, July 3, 2011

In Love Quotes For Teenagers

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    06-06 12:50 PM
    If you care about America's ability to compete in the years to come, you know that having a robust, well-functioning talent worker visa system is critical. One group with a great track record for work on creating such a system is Immigration Voice. They're sponsoring Immigration Voice Advocacy Days June 7th and 8th in Washington and I urge all readers able to participate to please do so. IV has nearly 400 meetings scheduled with members of Congress and the Obama Administration and this is a great opportunity to have your opinions heard by people who can make a major difference...

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    03-22 10:49 PM

    I am planning to apply for Alberta Nomination Program under NOC (Manufacturing and Industrial Engineers). Does anybody has any experience with this NOC. Also, I need to know how does this process work. I apply for ANP and when I need to move I apply for jobs and then I get work permit...right ? Then if I need to get a TN visa to come back to usa how do I do that. I have a house in chicago, so wondering if renting that out could be an option for me when I immigrate to alberta so that when I need I can come to chicago. I am in my 5th year of H1B and with the current scenario my present company is not going to start my GC (it stopped because of layoffs in the company).

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  • Macaca
    02-17 04:52 PM

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  • Macaca
    06-01 07:26 PM
    Pelosi�s Order in the House ( By CARL HULSE (, June 1, 2007

    The differences between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her predecessor, J. Dennis Hastert, could not be more striking.

    He is a burly former wrestling coach, a conservative Republican from small-town Illinois who usually ran from the microphones. She is the designer-clad member of a political family, a wealthy liberal from San Francisco who sees herself as a top party spokeswoman.

    But what could turn out to be their defining contrast was exhibited on May 24, when Ms. Pelosi allowed the Iraq war spending bill to clear the House with predominantly Republican votes while most Democrats � including her � opposed it. It was a marked departure from the principle that guided Mr. Hastert during his years as speaker.

    Mr. Hastert was an advocate of governing the House by a �majority of the majority� � a standard he thought best served the interests of his Republican members and, by extension, the nation. Just months into her tenure, Ms. Pelosi has shown she will deviate from that approach, balancing the potential of significant rewards against big risks.

    The rewards could come from success in winning approval of major legislation that reaches beyond party label. Critics of Mr. Hastert said his self-imposed rule prevented the House from considering centrist social and economic measures that, in their view, could have benefited both parties. It is likely, for instance, that a coalition existed in the House last year to pass an immigration overhaul that Republicans and Democrats could have hailed going into the elections. But strong opposition from a majority of the majority derailed that idea.

    The risks are related to party cohesion. If a leader such as Ms. Pelosi regularly cuts against the wishes of most of the people who put her in leadership, it stands to reason they would eventually wonder if new leadership was warranted. At a more subtle level, passing important bills with coalitions built outside party lines can expose and deepen fractures within them and sap the support of interest groups that can be essential to winning and holding onto power.

    Republicans see internal problems for Democrats as they sort through how to govern. �The problem for Pelosi is that the majority of her majority still has a minority mindset,� said John Feehery, a lobbyist who was an adviser to Mr. Hastert. �They would rather protest than legislate. And that dynamic will weaken her control over the House in the long-run."

    While some anti-war groups remain outraged at the war vote, many Democrats were not all that upset with the way she handled it. Through some procedural maneuvers, the speaker allowed Democrats to back a minimum wage increase and popular domestic spending and still vote against the war money. At the same time, Democrats got out of what the leadership saw as a political jam that could have left them being blamed for cutting off money to troops overseas.

    The next test for Ms. Pelosi will come on looming votes over increased free trade. Many - perhaps most - House Democrats are leery of going along with the push by President Bush, free-trading Democrats and congressional Republicans for new trade deals that they believe ship jobs out of the country and lack labor and environmental safeguards.

    To some veteran House Democrats, the 1993 North American Free Trade Agreement is a particularly bitter memory. A majority of then-minority Republicans joined with a minority of then-majority Democrats to pass the deal sought by President Bill Clinton. Quite a few Democrats believe that approval of the trade deal over the objections of organized labor diluted union support in 1994 and contributed to the loss of Congress by the Democrats that year. Ms. Pelosi was among 102 Democrats who backed the 1993 trade deal; 156 Democrats, including the majority leader and whip, opposed it.

    Anti-trade Democrats are worried the war vote foreshadowed Ms. Pelosi making a similar trade move this year, forgetting the hard lessons of NAFTA. They promise that such a decision will stir strong resentment. Ms. Pelosi has urged lawmakers not to jump to conclusions, but she is making no guarantees that legislation must have majority Democratic backing.

    �I have to take into consideration something broader than the majority of the majority in the Democratic Caucus,� she told reporters.

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    08-06 11:01 AM
    I have a green card. I have moved to India on 20 Aug 2007. Before going to India I had applied for my re-entry permit (I-131). The re-entry permit is valid from 31 Mar 2008 till 31 Mar 2010.
    On 19 Aug 2009 I will be out of US for 2 years, so if I want to maintain my GC status before which date should I come to US and apply for re-entry permit, 20 Aug 2009 (the date of my US departure) or 31 Mar 2010 (expiration date of my travel document)?

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  • willgetgc2005
    04-18 02:17 AM
    What is the communication about and did they send you a letter or email ?


    Has anybody directly received any communication from BEC regarding the pending LC application? I just received one and am not sure if that is the norm?


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  • alien02k
    03-25 01:12 PM
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  • imconfused
    07-02 10:51 PM
    everyone here talks abt geting GC asap.. even though most of us are swearin at the USCIS/DOS whtevr, deep down we all want GCs. but after thi sJuly VB, do u have faith/trust in the system now? assume that they accept our application and what if they give out GCs 2-3 yrsfrom now, what makes u think they cant come back and say it was a mistake and u have to give ur GC back?

    If they can do what they did today, and get away with it, they can do anything. its no differnet from Telgi scam/Laloo gobar/chara scam, so many scams in india. they get away once, they get away again. the middle class/average/educated tax payers like us suffer.


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  • Macaca
    09-21 09:17 AM
    Reid warns of December adjournment ( By Jackie Kucinich | The Hill, September 21, 2007

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) suggested Thursday that lawmakers may need to stay until Christmas to finish their must-pass bills.

    His comments underscored that one of Congress�s most stubborn bipartisan traditions � the unattainable adjournment date � may again stand the test of time.

    According to the current House calendar, the first session will end Oct. 26, giving lawmakers plenty of time to go back to their districts to talk about the session�s successes or failures, depending on their party.

    In reality, Congress rarely adjourns before November, oftentimes staying through December to complete the �people�s work� � appropriations bills � before members head home for the year.

    Reid said he hoped that the Senate would not stay until Christmas because of the lingering appropriations battle, but he didn�t rule it out. In July, Reid set the target date at Nov. 16, but was less than confident that the goal would be met even at that point.

    Reid added he has spent a lot of time negotiating the appropriations process with House Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) as well as the new chief of the Office of Management and Budget, Jim Nussle.

    Reid called the difference between the White House budget request and the pending appropriations bills � $21 billion � �a very small amount.� The White House has threatened to veto any spending bill that exceeds its request.

    �It�s not as if we are trying to spend this money� on brand-new programs, he said, noting that the funding would go toward law enforcement programs, healthcare and education.

    �I don�t want a headache, I want to try to work this out,� Reid said.

    He added, however, that the going might be tough, blaming Bush�s �unusual� way of negotiating. �It�s his way or no way.�

    House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) was slightly more optimistic, explaining that House lawmakers have opted to work the week of Columbus Day rather than taking it off like their Senate colleagues.

    �We have work to do, and we�re going to [do] it,� Hoyer said. �We are hopeful to certainly get out � we scheduled October 26th as the date to adjourn.�

    He added: �I would be unrealistic if I told you that I thought October 26th was a hard date at best.�

    House Republicans blamed the inability to meet the deadline on what they described as a light work schedule of early votes and adjournment.

    �I think Democrats are coming to the realization that fewer post offices need naming than they had previously thought. It was a fundamental miscalculation on their part,� quipped Amos Snead, a spokesman for Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.).

    A House GOP aide added: �This majority couldn�t hit the broad side of a barn with a beach ball from point-blank, no less a target adjournment date when not a single spending bill has arrived on the president�s desk to date.

    �Having said that, we�re heading for the biggest omnibus in history, and we�ll see it around the time kids start looking for Santa,� the aide added.

    In July 2006, then-Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) proposed abolishing adjournment dates, citing the fact that they are never met on time and are arbitrary at best.

    �It means nothing,� Boehner told reporters at the time. �You all know it means nothing because it really does mean nothing. Anyway, there is no reason to have a target adjournment on the schedule.�

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  • abhishek101
    06-22 02:37 PM
    I second both the replies.

    Blog Feeds
    06-10 01:00 AM
    The July Visa Bulletin is out and there is really no good news. And there's terrible news for Mexicans and Chinese applicants. The Mexican 1st and 3rd family categories move backwards nearly two years. And Chinese EB-2 employment immigration applicants now join the Indian misery as priority dates retrogress five years (!) to January 2000. Here are the numbers: Family 1st - Advancement of worldwide, China and India numbers by one week to 15 NOV 2002. Mexico retrogresses nearly two years to 1 JAN 1991. The Philippines is stalled at 1 SEP 1993. Family 2A - Worldwide, India, China and...

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    02-15 01:26 PM
    hi there,
    i'm planning to bring my in-laws to USA and they have their visitor visa appointment next week. everything is set but i'm a littled worried about demonstrating financial stability to sponsor them.
    i have paystubs & employment letter but the bank letter doesn't look so good. i live on check-to-check and my current balance is around 3K. you think i should take chance and go for the interview and hope VO doesn't ask for bank letter or doesn't mind the balance?

    please help. any feedback is greatly appreciated.

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