Sunday, July 3, 2011

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  • bond65
    08-15 03:48 PM
    Yep. Refer to the July tracker thread

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  • cbpds
    05-19 06:25 PM

    I am planning to extend the visitor visa for my mom for another two months.
    Her current I94 expires on June 25th and At POE the officer told her that she must go back after 6 months

    If I apply for extension of her visa before 45 days and she leaves US on current I94 date (June 25th) since she did not get a result,
    1.Does she need to apply for a new visa since her extension got rejected even though she left before her current I94 date?Will it affect her future visits in case that extension gets rejected.?

    2.What happens if she gets a rejection before her current I94 expiry on July 25th, will she need leave earlier and apply for new visitor visa?

    Appreciate your answers


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  • gc_check
    03-18 11:20 PM
    No, Only a Green Card holder in a Legal Permanment Resident. All other Visa Holder or Pending AOS is not LRP yet, but that should not cause an issue with your loan application. They might ask additional documents to validate you status here, but should be okay.

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  • Blog Feeds
    12-09 09:10 AM
    Some big compromises in the House version that dropped this morning. First, there will be $2525 in filing fees, $525 of which is due at the outset and $2000 of which is paid five years in to the ten year conditional non-immigrant period. That should presumably answer critics who complain that DREAM will add to the deficity. Also, conditional status is granted in two five year terms and the college education/military service requirements must be met in the first five year term in order to get the extension approved. Here is the new bill. HR6497

    More... (


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  • stefanv
    07-27 08:28 AM
    Stole your title ... sry :P

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  • setpit_gc
    04-09 02:14 PM
    TSC has cleared my EAD in 10 days. Applied on 27th of March 2009 and got 'Card Production Ordered' message on 9th of April 2009


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  • reddysms
    08-17 09:12 AM
    One of my friend's I-485 with priority date of Jan 2006 got approved yesterday. They have posted the documents to USCIS for his wife early this month(as per his attorney) to link to his I-485, but the check was not cashed yet and receipt notice was not issued for his wife.

    Will there be any issue in this regard? What will be the options for him just in case if the attorney has not sent the documents to USCIS for his wife or the documents get rejected for some reason? Any help/advice in this regard is really appreciated. Thanks.

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  • kumarc123
    01-23 07:54 PM
    Hello Everyone,

    I need your help. recently a IV member posted a news article on international students needed in army intelligence, in return they will get us citizenship. I tried to look for it, I would appreciate if someone could please post that article on this thread again.

    Thank you


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  • Macaca
    08-05 07:42 AM
    A Polarized, and Polarizing, Congress ( By David S. Broder (, August 5, 2007

    The distinguishing characteristic of this Congress was on vivid display the other day when the House debated a bill to expand the federal program that provides health insurance for children of the working poor.

    Even when it is performing a useful service, this Congress manages to look ugly and mean-spirited. So much blood has been spilled, so much bile stockpiled on Capitol Hill, that no good deed goes untarnished.

    The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is a 10-year-old proven success. Originally a product of bipartisan consensus, passed by a Republican Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton, it was one of the last domestic achievements before Monica and impeachment fever seized control.

    It is up for renewal this year and suddenly has become a bone of contention. President Bush underfunded it in his budget; the $4.8 billion extra he proposed spending in the next five years would not finance insurance even for all those who are currently being served.

    But when the Senate Finance Committee proposed boosting the funding to $35 billion -- financed by a hefty hike in tobacco taxes -- Bush threatened a veto, and he raised the rhetorical stakes by claiming that the measure was a step toward "government health insurance."

    That was surprising news to Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Orrin Hatch of Utah, two staunch conservatives who had joined in sponsoring the Senate bill, which the Senate Finance Committee supported 17 to 4.

    But rather than meet the president's unwise challenge with a strong bipartisan alternative, the House Democratic leadership decided to raise the partisan stakes even higher by bringing out a $50 billion bill that not only would expand SCHIP but would also curtail the private Medicare benefit delivery system that Bush favors.

    To add insult to injury, House Democratic leaders then took a leaf from the old Republican playbook and brought the swollen bill to the floor with minimal time for debate and denied Republicans any opportunity to offer amendments.

    The result was undisguised fury -- and some really ugly exchanges on the floor. The worst, given voice by former speaker Dennis Hastert, a Republican from Illinois, among others, was the charge that the Democrats were opening the program to illegal immigrants. The National Republican Congressional Committee distributed that distortion wholesale across the country in a flurry of news releases playing to the same kind of nativist prejudice that sank the immigration reform bill. In fact, governors of both parties support the certification system included in the bill for assuring that families meet citizenship requirements; the governors know that too many legal residents have been wrongly disqualified because they could not locate their birth certificates.

    In the end, the House bill passed on a near-party-line vote, 225 to 204, far short of the margin that would be needed to override the promised Bush veto. That means the program will probably have to be given a temporary renewal before the Sept. 30 deadline, and eventually Democrats and the White House will negotiate an agreement.

    So it will go down as one more example of unnecessary conflict. No rational human being could explain why a program that both parties support and both want to continue could ignite such a fight.

    But that is Washington in this era of polarized politics. As Congress heads out for its August recess, it has accomplished about as much as is usually the case at this stage. It passed an overdue increase in the minimum wage and an overdue but healthy package of ethics reforms. It moved some routine legislation.

    But what the public has seen and heard is mainly the ugly sound of partisan warfare. The Senate let a handful of dissident Republicans highjack the immigration bill. Its Democratic leadership marched up the hill and back down on repeated futile efforts to circumscribe American involvement in Iraq, then shamefully pulled back from a final vote when a constructive Republican alternative to the Bush policy was on offer.

    The less-than-vital issue of the firing of eight U.S. attorneys has occupied more time and attention than the threat of a terrorist enclave in Pakistan -- or the unchecked growth of long-term debts that could sink Medicare and Social Security.

    And when this Congress had an opportunity to take a relatively simple, incremental step to extend health insurance to a vulnerable group, the members managed to make a mess of it.

    It's no wonder the approval ratings of Congress are so dismal.

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  • mukraw6
    10-18 05:47 PM
    Thats not an issue looks like. When you go for FP, just ask them to see if your name is correct in the system with you A number. Thats more important thatn the spelling on notice.


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  • AnjaliBatra12
    09-03 03:49 AM
    Hi All,

    I am developing an application in which I want to use Virtulaization in a Listview along with grouping of elements. The moment I apply grouping and Expander to my group in the Listview the virtualization thing stops working. I knw Virtualisation works on Virtualising panel and grouping implements stack panel and thus Virtualization stope working.

    Is there any workaround for the same if there is please do let me know as the requirement is little urgent.

    Thanks in advance.


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  • iol_joh
    06-13 10:44 PM
    Since the priority dates advanced during the month of June, has anyone received approvals on their 485.

    PD: Sep 2001.
    485 filed: Feb 2004.
    Category: EB3

    I could not find any discussion related to this issue and hence started this thread. I apologize if I have started a duplicate thread.


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  • black_logs
    05-26 03:33 PM
    Guys, looks like we are facing a veiled attack from the rival groups. It is evident from some posts. Since morning we are busy repeatedly saying same things to these people. I am deleting all their posts and banning their user ids. If you see any damaging post report it to us clicking on the exclamation mark next to the post.

    ED: Please click on the exclamation mark next to the post instead of replying to this thread. Thanks

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  • Blog Feeds
    08-18 12:30 PM
    The New York Times reports on an uptick in legal actions against less than honest attorneys who bilk clients needing immigration services. In my two decades in practice, I've come across a number of these cases. But they usually increase in number as people grow more desperate. The article points out that a lot of bad lawyers come out of the woodwork to target immigrants when news is circulating of possible government programs that will help people resolve their immigration problems. The article doesn't discuss the topic, but a related problem involves "notarios" - people who pose as lawyers when...

    More... (


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  • Phoenixpals
    04-11 03:02 PM
    I am applying for Citizenship after completing 4 years and 9 months as a Permanent Resident in US.
    Can any one please let me know as what is the processing time to get the Citizenship after I apply?

    Also I have planned to move to a different State after I apply for Citizenship.

    Please let me know whether it fine to move to a different address after applying for Citizenship? Else is this move not advisable?
    Does this address change delay my Citizenship processing time?

    Appreciate your guidance.

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  • kumar1981
    09-17 12:51 PM

    Im having my H1B and 140 approved with my current employer. Now I got into a situation where in I need to file a new H1B with a new employer through whom im working on a project.But once my H1B is approved, my new employer will dismiss/cancel the new H1b Filed, as they just need to show that they filed a H1B for me.
    Will this be a problem for my current 140 and GC processing or my existing H1B?
    Coz that Im not going to use my new H1B, I can still continue using my current I94 right!
    Any issues if my new H1b gets rejectd or queried!


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  • dazed
    03-18 06:59 PM

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  • chansek
    07-21 11:58 PM

    Is there any problem if we send the personnel checks for 485,EAD and Travel Documents fees.

    Thanks in advance for all the replies.

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  • saddaypally
    12-28 10:47 PM
    Hello, My parents on B1 visa just entered the US a few days ago. This is their 2nd visit. I extended their stay beyond the given 6 months when they came last time. My mother got a 6 months term on her I-94 this time which is ok but my dad was granted only 60 days of entry and he said the immigration officer has marked in Black marker pen saying "No Extention" on his I-94 card. The justification they gave was that they were unable to find his previous extension, but if they were unable to find his extension, how could they even permit his entry in the first place since overstaying without extension would be illegal.

    My question is with "No extionsion" marked in writing on my father's I-94, could I apply for his extension beyond the granted 60 days?

    Please answer this question so that I can take the needed action.


    01-06 12:56 AM
    My fiancee is currently on H1B (got through the 2008 quota) and I am currently on F1 visa status. She is planning to go on an F2 as my dependent.

    Please clarify these doubts:
    When she gets a job while she is on F2 and the new employer processes her H1B does she have to go through the whole process of H1B as a new visa issue (annual cap) or is it like an H1B transfer?

    Once going from H1B to F2, is there a certain time period one has to wait before one can go back to H1B?

    If the F2 application is pending, is it possible to reapply from F2 back to H1B?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    02-13 05:37 PM
    This is a question to the IV core..
    SKIL was sponsored by John Coryn (R-TX)
    and Co-sponsored by
    George Allen (R-Va.), Wayne Allard (R-Colo.), Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Bob Bennett (R-Utah), and Trent Lott (R-Miss.).

    Most of the employment related bills for skilled labor in the CIR were pretty much sponsored by Republicans.

    I am wondering what kind of resistance, if at all, is the IV seeing in democratic controlled senate and congress seeing since these bills can be viewed as big business-supported or republican supported.

    It would be good to get more democrats to sponsor these bills rathar just have them give lip service to our cause since they have the majority.

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