Sunday, June 26, 2011

chicken pox

images Charli with Chicken Pox chicken pox. Chicken Pox Diagnosed just
  • Chicken Pox Diagnosed just

  • nixstor
    07-06 10:10 AM
    Can you please change the headling in Digg to:

    Homeland security compromised in mad rush to process Green Cards

    Shyt! This is what I call shooting in one's own foot. C mon, Fcuk it up so bad that we will dig a big hole that we won't ever come out again. Please read my other post and think for a minute before you do this again and again

    Diptam & Saim,

    Please change these security lapses thing. You might be hurting yourselves in the long run. If You are thinking that this is not a big issue in DOS/USCIS, You are mistaken. This is a hot button issue in both agencies. Focus on quality of life issues and other losses incurred. Do not play with security. Its going to come back and hurt us. Please Go ahead and change these security lapse crap.

    wallpaper Chicken Pox Diagnosed just chicken pox. chicken pox schematic diagram
  • chicken pox schematic diagram

  • Jeniya2006feb27INDIA
    11-07 01:35 AM
    Correct me if i am wrong

    chicken pox. Chicken pox
  • Chicken pox

  • dante1271
    07-20 08:03 PM
    Stop Showing These Numbers, Assumptions... Alright You're Good In Mathematics.. #@#~! Vb Or C#... Whatever... Give Those People At Uscis The Benefit Of The Doubt... I Think They're Not That Dumb Like What You Think... Maybe You're Not Happy With You're Employer...cant Wait To Leave...

    2011 chicken pox schematic diagram chicken pox. or “chickenpox” lesions.
  • or “chickenpox” lesions.

  • GC_1000Watt
    01-03 02:19 PM
    Dear Friends!

    (By mistake I posted this in another thread. I think this is the right one)

    Good Morning and Happy New Year! Wish you all success, good health, peace of mind and great prosperity!!!

    Though I visit the forum quite often, I do not particiapte in a big way. I just read to understand the view points of others. After a lot of hesitation I took time to draft this note!

    I am not sure how far my views would find acceptance, but I would like to share some of my thoughts!

    1. Although I would sincerely like to give credit to the IV forum for all what they have done (and doing), I personally feel that that the days of prayer and petition are gone!

    2. To achieve something concrete and tangible, atleast a minimum of 100,000 (Desis + Chinese / Filippinos if possible) should rally in Washington DC to press our case.
    This alone will generate enough publicity. We can show our strength and if there is a consensus, opt for a hunger strike.History has always shown that "direct action" alone has yielded results.

    3. Unlike European countries where the laws of immigration and naturalization are simple, here it is very convoluted and confusing. All laws in the USA ONLY favour the employers and the law firms. Due to this, several of us have been harassed by our employers.

    4. Instead of harping on the existing archiac and immigrant unfriendly rules, we could propose something like this:

    a. Provide Green Cards for all legal immigrants who have completed 8 years of continuous stay, as on say, June 1, 2010. Continuity would mean not leaving the USA for a period of 90 days at a stretch. (I have completed more than 9 years personally, but I am suggesting a time line of 8 years because H1 is valid for 6 years and L1 is for 7 years. It will certianly not acceptable for the US Government to provide GC to every H1 / L1 holder. Any period below 8 years may meet with very stiff opposition)

    b. The legal immigrants with 8 + years should have a criminal free record (barring minor traffic offenses) and should have filed their tax returns

    c. Citizenship status should be provided to all legal immigrants with 10+ years

    Note 1 : Rules in the UK/ Europe are :

    Permanent residency after 5 years of legal stay
    Citizenship after 10 years of legal stay or 15 yearls of illegal stay

    5.We are always getting drawn into the trap and quagmire of the existing regulations and the INS / US goverment / Law firms / Employers are enjoying the fun

    Note 2: I have stated everything based on my stay in different countries and keeping in mind the interests of the immigrant community very sincerely. It is upto IV to publish this or discard this. I will also NOT respond to any comments / cristicisms. I am just requesting the readers to kindly intrsopect!

    Best wishes!

    To be honest it seems that all of the points you made here are by taking yourself into consideration.

    Most of the people here know about immigration policies in Europe, but here the system is altogether different. Isn't it? It will require herculean effort to turn around the whole system. And by the way the current system is not too bad, its just that USCIS sucks big time.
    Hold on my friend. We'll be fine. Go IV.
    Happy new year.


    chicken pox. slight case of Chicken Pox
  • slight case of Chicken Pox

  • eb3_nepa
    07-15 09:25 AM
    New Day today.

    Good morning everyone. Let's get back to making this campaign a roaring success. We need new High Fives today people. All those IV brothers and sisters who havent yet contributed their $5.00, please do so. It is a great cause and lets face it, IV is the ONLY organization of the legal immigrants, by the legal immigrants, AND FOR the legal immigrants ONLY.

    Also let us remember to update our signatures and include a link to this thread.

    chicken pox. Chicken Pox in Babies – The
  • Chicken Pox in Babies – The

  • qualified_trash
    01-02 07:20 PM

    I know this has been discussed in the past on this and other message boards but I wanted to hear some more opinions about it. What is the value of green card to you?

    I know different ppl have different reasons like ability to switch jobs, ability to travel freely, ability to have a job for spouse etc. All said and done how many of you would like to go back to your home countries in the next 5-6 years? I know a lot of people have issues such as aging parents back home or they simply don't see themselves living in a foreign land forever. I guess my question is what percentage of ppl aspiring for a GC view it as a convenience vs percentage of ppl who actually see it as a path to settling down in US for good.


    you should maybe set it up as a poll. as for me, I am here for good unless asked to leave :-)


    chicken pox. The Chicken Pox is well-termed
  • The Chicken Pox is well-termed

  • krishmunn
    08-12 12:15 PM
    and expoilted the employees to the maximum extent. In one another post - VLDRao was saying these companies does the tax filing on behalf the emoloyee, get the refund and again claim that tax in india using double taxation aoivdance treaty.

    True. But why then does an employee want to join such company ? It is not that you are not aware of all these before you step to this country through Infy or TCS ?

    2010 Chicken pox chicken pox. Charli with Chicken Pox
  • Charli with Chicken Pox

  • GoldRod
    09-10 02:38 PM
    Green card is a gold rod. anybody knows why?


    chicken pox. Sophie#39;s Got The Chicken Pox
  • Sophie#39;s Got The Chicken Pox

  • bobzibub
    06-11 04:04 PM
    I keep reading we should fight for out rights and all. I am just curious
    where does it say if on is on H1B or F1, he or she has a right to get a GC. GC or citizenship is a privilege, we cant demand it or force someone to give it to us. Its a simple demand and supply situation, there are more visa seekers then there is availability and therefore there is a waiting period. i am not sure why we don't accept the simple fact that there are way too many people from developing country like ours moving to US, and not everyone can be accommodated ASAP. i think US has every right to do what it thinks is best for her, even if we don't agree with that,
    And those who say its discrimination, discrimination is when people from Bihar are beaten up on the streets of mumbai cause they are taking jobs away from marathi manus. Had there been so many techies from around the world taking up jobs in India, we would have seen street lynching.

    People don't come here to work for someone else. They come to work for themselves (and eventually) hire Americans. If USCIS released their internal data as they've been asked and the numbers show that you've got to wait two decades for a green card, that is tantamount to them hanging a sign saying: "We don't serve Indians; We don't serve Chinese." They might as well just close and wind down operations.

    People come for economic opportunity, and economic opportunity when you work for someone else is limited. Certainly less than in Canada, India and China when you work for yourself. People bring their creativity and ideas and hard work and the US benefits immensely from this skilled labour pool. They've also come because USCIS has put the foot ball in front of them, only to pull it back after we're years into the process.

    A sign saying "We don't serve Indians or Chinese" *is* discrimination. But I would also use the word "fraud" for that is what it is: We paid for an advertised service. We spent years waiting for that service. We did not get that service. Pretty simple.

    hair or “chickenpox” lesions. chicken pox. Chicken pox Pete by
  • Chicken pox Pete by

  • I_need_GC
    02-19 10:51 AM
    Today I got my first soft LUD on my case. Last week I got a letter from USCIS that they had approved to expedite my case. I would rather have seen the AP but the waiting game continues. :eek:

    Yesterday I went to the Local INS office after making an infopass appointment. Requested the IO to expedite my AP he looked at current processing dates for Nebraska Center Aug 15 I applied on July 20 INS process date on receipt notice August 25. He told me they would start looking at my case soon. I mentioned to him I need it expedited he asked why I showed him a letter from employer that I needed to travel outside us he said its not life death emergency. I insisted that if i didn't go I would get fired lose my job, he wait let me check with manager after 20 minutes he came back and said his manager agrees to process as emergency. He took all my original supporting documents and told me he was going to fax them to Nebraska center and also email to them. I mentioned to him that I have to leave by Feb 11 again he went to his manager and he said thats the best I can do. He took my phone number. I have not heard for INS no LUD on my case yet. If i don't leave by feb 17 kiss my job good bye. Anything else you guys recommend i can do. I also faxed the Nebraska center a request expedite still haven't hear or seen anything. :(

    Your inputs are welcomes.


    chicken pox. Poor chicken pox baby :(
  • Poor chicken pox baby :(

  • LostInGCProcess
    09-10 12:53 PM
    Please help me understand this:

    The Dept. of State's web site has the visa bulletin for SEpt 2008 as:

    1st C
    2nd 01AUG06
    3rd U

    And the US Consulate's web site at Mumbai has:

    E1 Current
    E2 1 April 2003

    So, how come Consulates got the latest information? Why not post this on the DOS page too by the DOS?

    I am so sick and tired of this whole process of GC. I am starting to question myself if this entire process of wait, is worth at all? If you are illegal, you are free in this country, if you are legal they scrutiny your papers with a microscope....I am sick, totally sick. There is a limit to patience, too.:mad::mad::mad:

    hot slight case of Chicken Pox chicken pox. Sophie#39;s Got The Chicken Pox
  • Sophie#39;s Got The Chicken Pox

  • raybarrone
    08-18 11:25 AM
    What address is used by USCIS to send the notice and FP? The receipt # are sent to the lawyer and the applicant I guess. Is the FP notice also sent to the lawyer and applicant?What address is used by USCIS to send the FP? Is it the address we provide in 485,765 AND 131?


    house Charli with Chicken Pox chicken pox. Chicken+pox+rash+before+
  • Chicken+pox+rash+before+

  • 9years
    10-28 07:27 PM
    Hi Vayumahesh,

    My attorney told me that it takes around a month to get ported (may be he is just saying in general). As I mentioned earlier My I-140 (EB2 one) shows EB3 priority date. I hope something will happen in a month or two.

    Good luck to you on your EB2 I-140.


    tattoo Chicken Pox in Babies – The chicken pox. After you#39;ve had chickenpox,
  • After you#39;ve had chickenpox,

  • thomachan72
    06-04 11:54 AM
    All this May 15th/21 date is open to interepretation there is no set concrete laws yet.I just filed I-140 and I-1485 on the 1 st June and my attorney told me just go and wait now and live your life.We can worry about stupid laws that MIGHT go into affect a yr or never and destroy your precious time.
    In the meantime go to NUMBERSUSA website and send as many faxs against this CIR bill and get it shutdown.

    Yes i know NUMBERSUSA is anti-immigrant but in this situation it beneficial to all us legals if this bill goes down in flames.
    How could you file the 140 and 485 at the same time, are you filing in EB1 catagory? which country?


    pictures The Chicken Pox is well-termed chicken pox. /hck/images/ChickenPox.jpg
  • /hck/images/ChickenPox.jpg

  • unseenguy
    02-08 05:33 AM
    If the girl is working and earning money, she has all the rights to spend the way she wants, including giving money to her parents. If she is not working, then help should be based only on humanitarian basis because we never know when one's financial situation changes. I can't understand how any girl can force her husband to spend for her parents and siblings especially when she is not earning.

    Absolutely wrong. If husband and wife are filing a joint tax return, it is wrong on her part to send money to her parents without informing her husband. Leave the taxes, it was simply wrong on a wife's/husband's part to do ANY major money transaction without letting your other partner know. Its equivalent of cheating (just financial cheating). Do you think it is ok for a man to send money to his parents?

    dresses Sophie#39;s Got The Chicken Pox chicken pox. More chicken pox.. pictures
  • More chicken pox.. pictures

  • gsvisu
    07-13 05:07 PM
    My 2.5 Cents.

    We need to start a Letter Campaign next.

    A focussed uniform format with some lead from IV. But now focus on San Jose,CA's rally efforts.


    makeup Sophie#39;s Got The Chicken Pox chicken pox. Charli with Chicken Pox
  • Charli with Chicken Pox

  • arnab221
    07-28 01:30 PM
    Folks ,

    Any approvals for the month of June ? Is there any hope for June filers ? There seems to lot of approvals since last 2 weeks folks . Can IV core provide some direction and guidance to the people stuck at Atlanta service center ?

    girlfriend After you#39;ve had chickenpox, chicken pox. Viral diseases, Chickenpox
  • Viral diseases, Chickenpox

  • Macaca
    09-14 06:38 PM
    Immigration vote sinks H-1B visa deal ( Collapse of Senate bill derails tech's bid for more foreigners ByTom Abate ( | Chronicle Staff Writer, June 30, 2007
    VISA PLAN ANGERS SILICON VALLEY ( Immigration bill would limit employers' choice of workers By Carolyn Lochhead ( | Chronicle Washington Bureau, June 7, 2007

    hairstyles Poor chicken pox baby :( chicken pox. Chickenpox is most common in
  • Chickenpox is most common in

  • darslee
    07-07 12:31 PM
    Interesting....Our new attorney thinks we have a really strong case too...:)

    03-13 02:32 PM
    Something just popped up from my family.
    I filed concurrent 140-485-765-131 in Nebraska.
    DHL delivered the package on 1st of february.
    My checks were not yet cashed and I did not get any reply from USCIS (and neither did my lawyer).
    My lawyer said it is impossible and I am better off refiling but this implies redoing a lot of things that cost money and time.
    How can I try to expedite without a receipt number?

    Well what you should have done was filed it with the local USCIS office with a letter proving the emergency at this stage all u can do is wait for the receipt notice once you receive that make an infopass appointment and explain your emergency with proof they will expedite.

    02-12 11:48 AM
    Fellow Sufferers,;)

    For NON-RIR applicants, is the backlog center requiring the old advertisement process after the 45 day letter.

    We had received the 45 day letter six months ago and there has been no communication from them since that time. (Seperate application PD May-03)

    (Fellow travellers am I seeing an Oasis or is it a mirage.)


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