Tuesday, June 28, 2011

easter pictures 2011

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  • Macaca
    10-29 07:57 AM
    Maryland's Senator Fix-It (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/28/AR2007102801153.html) By Fred Hiatt (fredhiatt@washpost.com) | Washington Post, October 29, 2007

    Against the prevailing dismay over partisanship and dysfunction in the U.S. Senate, consider the testimony of one happy senator.

    Ben Cardin, freshman Democrat of Maryland, says he has been surprised since his election almost a year ago at how possible it is to make progress in the Senate. It is easier to form bipartisan alliances than it was in the House, he says. Senators who strike deals stick to them and will not be pulled away by pressure from party leaders. And, even despite the 60-vote barrier, real legislative accomplishments are within reach.

    Cardin is part of an impressive Senate class of nine Democratic rookies (including Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with the Democrats), others of whom have gotten more attention than he has during their first year. Virginia's Jim Webb, to name one, has proved more compelling to the national party and media, with his military past, literary achievements and quotable economic populism.

    Consider, by contrast, the first sentence of the " About Ben" biography on Cardin's official Web site: "Benjamin L. Cardin has been a national leader on health care, retirement security and fiscal issues since coming to Congress in 1987." No wonder the Democrats chose Webb to respond to President Bush's State of the Union address in January.

    No one would accuse Cardin of putting charisma over substance. A legislator's legislator, he served in the Maryland House of Delegates for 20 years, as speaker from 1979 to 1986, and then represented a part of Baltimore and surrounding suburbs in the House of Representatives for 20 more. Now he's delightedly burrowing into the Senate.

    During a visit to The Post last week, he ticked off a series of what he called medium-level issues on which he believes something can be achieved: providing incentives for good teachers to work in the neediest schools, getting the Army Corps of Engineers involved in Chesapeake Bay cleanup, establishing a commission to chart a path to energy independence within 10 years and reauthorizing (for the first time in decades) the federal program that provides lawyers for those who can't afford them.

    Cardin acknowledged that prospects for progress on the biggest issues are dimmer, but even there he's not discouraged. "Social Security is easy to solve," he says, and achieving energy independence within 10 years is quite doable; both just require more leadership from the White House, which he hopes a new (Democratic) president will provide. He's signed on to the Lieberman-Warner bill on climate change and thinks it could get 60 votes, too, with a little prodding from on high.

    The failure of comprehensive immigration reform, he grants, was "an embarrassment." Senators were not prepared for the force and single-mindedness of the opposition to what was perceived as amnesty for illegal immigrants.

    "It is an explosive issue," Cardin said. "It crippled our office's ability to get anything else done." The letters he received were well written, not part of an organized campaign, from all corners of the state -- and unequivocal. "They said, 'This is not America. America is the rule of law. How can you let people sneak into the country? If you vote for this, I'll never vote for you again' " -- an argument that tends to seize a politician's attention.

    Cardin did not and still does not believe that the bill provided amnesty. It insisted that illegal immigrants atone in a number of ways, including anteing up back taxes, learning English and paying a fine. "If you go much further, people aren't going to come forward" and out of the shadows, he says. "I don't think it makes a lot of sense to be sending troops after them."

    But even here, he has faith that the Senate eventually can pass immigration reform. It was a mistake to craft the bill in closed meetings, he said; next time, open debate would create less anxiety. Reform advocates have to communicate better what requirements they're imposing in exchange for legalization. But ultimately, "you can't hide from what needs to be done. You have to deal with the 12 million, with border security and with the fairness issue" for immigrants and would-be immigrants who have played by the rules.

    Cardin is not naive about the political obstacles to progress. But unusually for Washington, he seems less focused on blaming the other side for gridlock than on avoiding gridlock in the first place.

    "Quite frankly, the solution on immigration is easy, even if it won't be easy to accomplish," he says cheerfully. "You just have to get a bipartisan coalition and get it done."

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  • Happy Easter 2011

  • jasonpark
    August 18th, 2005, 11:52 AM
    I agree with Henrik. Great color. Where'd you take this?

    Thanks - I took this walking along a railroad bed that is no longer in use. I must have chased 10 of these things around before I finally got this one that would hold still long enough to get a descent shot.

    Can i move to other company after approved i140 with my old employer [Archive] - Immigration Voice

    View Full Version : Can i move to other company after approved i140 with my old employer

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  • Easter Show 2011 Cake

  • pointlesswait
    11-02 02:37 PM
    damn...thats a first i have heard!!

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  • Easter Eggs for 2011

  • bamasri10309
    08-03 02:56 PM
    Did you guys talk about this already ? I apologize if this has been analyzed already...

    Murthy.com issues a Oct visa bulletin prediction based on information from DOS



    easter pictures 2011. Easter Bunny 2011
  • Easter Bunny 2011

  • uma001
    06-28 07:21 AM

    Please delete this thread

    easter pictures 2011. Join Miri Easter Concert 2011
  • Join Miri Easter Concert 2011

  • rajeshalex
    07-12 03:34 AM
    Hi All,

    I searched many websites incl dol for an editable ETA-750B.

    If any one got it can u share it pls.

    Thank you

    Rajesh Alex


    easter pictures 2011. april easter 2011 calendar.
  • april easter 2011 calendar.

  • GCwaitforever
    07-20 04:51 PM
    Some members quoted that they hold a second H-1B. Because these second H-1Bs do not fall under any quota, this is a USCIS given gift for us, considering how slowly they process our applications.

    I plan on taking up a part-time H-1B job on hourly basis. Please give me any suggestions you have.

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  • Easter Parade 2011,

  • willgetgc2005
    04-18 02:17 AM
    What is the communication about and did they send you a letter or email ?


    Has anybody directly received any communication from BEC regarding the pending LC application? I just received one and am not sure if that is the norm?



    easter pictures 2011. Happy Easter - 2011
  • Happy Easter - 2011

  • Blog Feeds
    01-14 08:20 AM
    When I was growing up, Canadian-born Rich Little was about the only impressionist I could name. Come to think of it, he's still one of the only people most people can name in this niche area of comedy. Sure, Saturday Night Live has had great comedians over the years who have done great impressions (Dana Carvey is probably my favorite), but they're not primarily known as impressionists. At 71, Little has just become a naturalized US citizen. When asked what the first thing he was going to do when he was an American, he told the Las Vegas Review-Journal "Collect...

    More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/gregsiskind/2010/01/immigrant-of-the-day-rich-little-impressionist.html)

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  • desigc
    04-30 04:14 PM
    Gurus..I need some help

    My I-140 is approved. I recently got 3 year extension and I am in my 7th year currently.
    I may get a better offer. My question is
    1. Since I have a new H1b which is valid for 3 years (for H1b year 7,8 and 9), can I transfer it to a new employer?
    2. Also, the new employer is willing to file GC, can I use my old PD date. (the new job profile is similar)
    3. If the current employer withdraws my I-140, will that affect my H1 transfer?

    Please help.

    - desigc


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  • Smarties Easter Egg (2011)

  • ephedra26
    03-29 12:17 PM

    I am currently on F1 Status

    I have a Vaid H1 Visa which was issued by my previous employer on 2006.But I did not use the VISA as I entered US as a student and have never worked in the US on H1.

    the new employer is willing to sponser my h1. As I was already counted in the cap once within past 6 years, I need not wait till april to process my application.

    is this correct?

    If one is in some other status other than H1 currently, They don't need old paystubs for the transfer.I need a copy of the I797 or the receipt number of my old H1 for transfer.

    I can provide the receipt number which is available on my visa. My previous employer is not willing to give me a copy of I797.

    what are the chances that my application being approved without old I797 but just the receipt no for proof of me counted already once

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  • beautifulMind
    05-23 11:40 PM
    I had the sample problem. There was an extra letter in the last name. I waited till the labor was approved and then notified USCIS while filing I-140. There was no issue. You do not have to worry about it


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  • Easter Regatta 2011

  • sreeanne
    12-05 03:07 PM
    I am July 2nd filer and got EAD approved.

    My 485 notice has Received Date as July 19th 2007 and Notice Date as October 17th 2007.

    Do i need to calculate 180 days from July 19th 2007 OR Oct 17th 2007 if i want to change the jobs?

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  • easter 2011 cards. happy

  • akela_topchi
    01-21 04:09 PM
    Dear friends,

    Can a person with following qualification file in EB2? Do you foresee issues like RFE/rejection?

    3 Yr B.Com + 2 Yr MBA + 3 Yr MCA .. all foreign degrees. + 1 year of progresive experience.

    Can you also suggest/comment on following? -

    - Are there any finer-points in various forms that require some specific words/info?
    - new OTC job band changes - would it affect this case in any ways?
    - Education Evaluation - can you please recommend any good evaluator.. better if somebody who has successfully handled similar cases?

    Thanks for your valuable inputs!


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  • Happy Easter babe 2011 by

  • Blog Feeds
    08-28 07:50 AM
    This is a detail from the June USCIS Ombudsman report I hadn't noticed before, but a BusinessWeek report this week highlights that fact. We immigration lawyers have sensed that this was the case, of course. We regularly warn clients now to simply expect them even if the case is air tight. Businessweek reports The U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Service says no crackdown is afoot. 'We haven't changed the way that we do our business over the course of the past few years,' says agency spokesman Christopher Bentley. Of course, the statistics show otherwise. One very senior former USCIS confided in...

    More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/gregsiskind/2010/08/h-1b-requests-for-evidence-have-doubled-in-the-last-year.html)

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  • 4-24-2011 middot; 9569 NYC Easter

  • roseball
    03-19 07:22 PM
    Based on USCIS's last action rule, the status of an applicant depends on whatever petition is approved last. So, if her H4 is approved after her H1 COS, then she will be on H4.

    I am assuming you have applied for H1/H4 extension recently in regular processing. So the chances of her H1 COS getting approved first under premium are higher. So once you get her H1 COS approval, just withdraw her H4 petition.


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  • 4-24-2011 middot; 9559 NYC Easter

  • missedthecut
    12-06 10:03 PM
    Hi Friends,

    My H1b 6 years time will expire on March 24th, 2011. One of my previous employer (eData experts) based out of PA had filed for my PERM labor in 12/12/1007.
    But unfortunately due to their negligence it was denied and I was only told about only after 3 months. I currently work for another employer and they have not started my GC processing yet. I don't want to work for this new company because of lot of work pressure which is affecting my work life balance. Can someone out there please suggest me the options to stay in this country. This is very urgent. Your suggestions are really valuable for me. Appreciate your time.


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  • Easter Brunch 2011

  • cool_guy_onnet1
    06-24 03:24 PM
    Hi, I have approved H1b through company "NewCompany" but my GC sponsoring company "GCcompany" is planning to cancel my APPROVED 140. Again, I know USCIS will do inted to deny and Yes, I have filed for 485 + it's been 180+ days but I guess the most important question of all is:-

    "Will this affect my H1B status?' Since the approval for new 3 year (extension) was based on my 140 and now this thing is under jeopardy. If I use EAD, my wife will no longer be H4 and thats a different problem- Gosh when is thind going to end?"

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  • Easter 2011 Date Easter 2011

  • alien02k
    07-10 08:01 PM
    First of all I am filing by postal mail USPS(not e-filing)

    1)is it necessary to include I-765 receipt notice(EAD) with my AP application.. But I have only my last years one which will expire in a few months.
    2) for AP renewal is it necessary to include marriage certificate for spouse
    3) When filing by postal mail, and also considering i applied my I-485/I-140 before july 30/2007, old fee schedule... do i need to pay biometric fee for my renewal
    4) I am in Texas and for mailing EAD and AP - can I send them together for me and my spouse. I see different PO Boxes for EAD and AP addresses for the Mesquite, TX address

    IN I-765, is it enough only to specify the previous EAD information regarding the office filed and receipt date...or do i have to include my OPT EAD as well as my previous EAD filed last year.

    Thank you

    02-28 10:39 AM
    My wife who is currently working as a doctor in medically underserved area(J1 waiver case), on cap exempt H1B visa. Her clinic is contemplating name change. I will really appreciate if someone can shed the light on how might this proposed name change can/will impact her status?
    Her visa is currently unstamped and we are planning to get the same done this year in october. My queries are as follows:
    1. Will a new waiver petition and H1B visa need to be filed or only an addendum notification to the USCIS will suffice?
    2. If the latter is true then what kind of additional documentation will be needed for visa stamping from the lawyer?

    Attorney input will be highly appreciated.

    Saket Kapur

    12-03 08:40 PM
    I'm in the process of a COS and was denied an R1 petition. Here's my case, and it would greatly help me if someone could assist me in determining whether my countdown of unlawful presence and unlawful status has begun.
    Aug 15, 2004 Arrived on a F1
    Jul 21, 2009 F1 expired
    Aug 20, 2009 Filed for R1
    Aug 24, 2009 OPT expired
    Nov 18, 2009 R1 status denied
    Dec 18, 2009 Appeal of Decision

    After the expiry of my OPT i still continued to work whilst my R1 petition was in process. Does this violate my status automatically, or does it begin when it is determined by the USCIS? If it does, does my 180 days countdown to unlawful presence begin from Aug 24, 2009, or from the denial of my R1 petition? IF i appeal the decision will that nullify the days counted against me if any? And as i await the appeal decision, which apparently take 5 months, what would be my lawful/unlawful status/presence?

    Thanks for you help.

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