Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • kinvin
    02-12 02:46 PM
    Hi GCWaitforever,

    I am wondering that did they have to do the advertisements for the Non-RIR case of yours.

    In TR cases the advts were done later, but now after a "half-a-decade" wait does the Dept of Labor still want the advts for Backlogged cases.


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  • sc3
    09-14 11:08 AM
    This is really sad. I dont expect Eb2s to understand EB3's plight, but to blame the EB2 backlogs on EB3, and the false accusation that we are getting EADs out of turn -- that is simply disgusting. While you are at it, why dont you blame EB3s for all the ills in the world, say the war in Iraq, Darfur issue, the gas prices, terrorism, the housing collapse in USA, Nazi genocide. Please feel free to explode the list at your will. You are obviously more wizened than EB3s, so we might be doing things without our knowledge.

    I hope there is more and more EB3 interfiling, so that these "holier-than-thou" EB2s get their misplaced sense of superiority smashed to smithereens, and get to know the pain of waiting for long periods of time.

    Most EB2 justify the need for getting their GCs sooner is because they have been here longer (throwing out numbers like 1995, and such). They dont even realize that the actual "wait counter" starts after filing for GC. If you could not hold on to a job or joined a job that did not sponsor your GC earlier. that is your fault. Not USCIS' not EB3s' yours. Get it. YOURS!.

    If you are so special take some time to read the law. Labour substitution was not defined in the laws, which is why it got explicitly junked. PD porting is part of the law.

    If you want to work on an action item work on 5882.

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  • Mouns
    04-30 03:29 PM
    OK so here it is, it will get 2 years before the backlogs due to the surge clear and to get back to normal... :mad:

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  • Green.Tech
    06-11 08:36 PM
    a small contribution for now I will set up recurring soon. Can't thank you guys enough for being such a great support network. Not to be preachy, are we the same people who stood an united front against the Brits?

    Paypal Receipt ID: 3JA591826E386220Y

    Thanks jayZinDC...Hope your contribution inspires a few others!


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  • acharaniya
    08-25 09:07 PM
    Not sure about which bank would be good but whichever bank you choose make sure that they give you a statement of how much interest you paid over the year. Most people don't realize that you can deduct interest paid for a home loan in India is tax deductible in the US. Just FYI.

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  • gjoe
    01-06 08:16 AM

    Indian culture, heritage 5000 years old. Indian education is gift of britishers, hence needs some adjustments to suit the current global competition.

    A small but important correction in the above quote. Indian education is not a gift of the Brits. As a matter of fact history of eduction in India dates back to its cultural heritage. Nalanda university is considered to be the worlds first university. Correct me if I am wrong.


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  • indio0617
    01-11 02:25 PM
    1 point we should make to the lawmakers is to make an administraive change to give 3 years extensions and abolish 1 year extensions. As 1 year extensions are not suffecient a very solid case can be presented for that case.
    1) Driver license, lit of state doesn't give DLs if you have less than 1 year left on Visa
    2) H1B Extension is taking 4-6 months
    3) No Visa stamping in U.S.
    The problem are just too many we need a proper channel to raise our voice to them

    Also we need to ask for some accountability and transparency in the Backlog processing. All of us (victims) with LCs in the backlog centers have been reduced to foolish gamblers trying to figure out what is happening with our applications.

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  • Milind123
    09-12 12:39 PM
    Thankyou sukhwinderd and ravish_kaipa.

    All, please remember my intention is to motivate the people who never contributed and who start
    a $50 monthly contribution at least for six months. Also don't forget to PM me when you
    start your monthly contibution.

    Anyway good start. sukhwinderd and ravish_kaipa please consider monthly contributions.

    Here are the details about my contribution of $100

    Order Details - Sep 12, 2007 1:02 PM EDT
    Google Order #366145912118249


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  • wantgc23
    04-24 02:50 PM
    Hi pappu/admin,

    I just signed up for $25 per month contributions, Can you please allow me Donor access when you get a chance.



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  • ksach
    02-12 02:56 AM
    it means freedom and a respect for my education, my skills and my hard work.
    read my story below.


    America, the land of opportunity and freedom.

    These days when I hear America being any of the above, I usually
    sneer. 6 long years have thought me not to accept everything I hear.

    Back home, I had respect. I had a good education and a great job. I
    got an education from the best schools and the best colleges. I worked
    for a big multi-national with a big fat salary and lots of
    opportunities to travel to countries on work. I was a success. But I
    wanted to be more. I wanted to be global. I wanted to work in a
    different country for sometime. I loved seeing different cultures,
    seeing different places; I wanted to see the world. Thats when the
    offer for a job in the US came. I took it up because I could see the
    US of A, the land of the free, the land of opportunity, the land of
    the Cisco's and Microsofts and more importantly, the land of dreams. I
    thought a couple of years working away from home would do me no harm.
    Boy, was I wrong!!!!

    The first few years in my new country of residence were difficult. I
    worked for a startup with its crazy hours and insane schedules. Far
    from seeing new places, I was busy at work. But I did not complain. I
    liked the work and the company's passion to create something new. No
    longer was I working on the junk companies outsource to third world
    companies. I was working on the actual product, creating something
    that was not done before, something I could be proud off. I was busy
    at work, but it was not difficult to notice something, the Americans
    worked hard, the people with green card worked harder, but the people
    on H1-B worked hardest. I guess, the people on H1B had the most to
    lose. But I did not give a hoot. I had a product to deliver. I never
    had the time to think about my green card. I still wanted to go back
    to my country, maybe not right now, but I wanted to. Right now, my
    work was my priority and I would concentrate on that.

    Slowly the years went by, and unknowningly I started seeing the
    American Dream. I got a new car and expensive clothes, I started going
    out with my friends, visited new places, and more importantly I
    stopped feeling homesick. The apartment I shared with my friends was
    my new home. So when my company asked me if they could do my green
    card, I readily agreed.

    I should have seen the signs. There were many of them; but I chose to
    ignore. I should have know that people are exploited when I heard a
    top executive at my company say once that he expects everyone to work
    long hours and weekends because we had no options. The job market
    outside was bad and none of us could find jobs. I should have known
    that my cultural background mattered when the girl at the Albertson's
    counter did not even look up to me, but was very friendly with all the
    Americans ahead of me, or when an office colleauge introduced his girl
    friend to all americans but ignored the Indians. I chose to ignore all
    this, because I thought it does not affect me. As long as I did my
    work or followed the rule of the land, nothing else mattered. I was
    wrong again.

    Two things changed in 2005. My company went down and I got married. I
    was on H1B and had to find a job soon. I was already at the end of my
    H1B tenure so not many companies were interested. That is when I
    realized the disadvantage of being on an H1B. It did not matter that
    my resume was impressive. My H1B status was more important than my
    skill set. It it did not matter that I had already spent a lot years
    in this country and my green card had been filed. It was hard finding
    a job that would sponsor my H1B and my green card again. I did manage
    to find one. But I was not lucky on my home front. My wife could not
    work because she was on a dependent visa. She had given up a career in
    India to be with me, but reality hit soon when she started getting
    bored. She kept herself busy with books, TV and cooking. And life went
    on, hoping that we would get our green card soon and we would be free
    again. Free to find a job of my liking for me, and free to do any job
    for my wife.

    Its Feb 2007 now and there's still no sign of the green card. I
    stopped hoping for one. I dont care for one. All I care for now is my
    wife to be able to work in something she likes within any legal

    Its been a long time since I legally came to this country. I was young
    and succesful then. And now as I cross another anniversary of my
    landing in the US, I reflect upon what I have gained. I have gained a
    big bank balance, a good car, a good lifestyle. What have I lost -
    plenty. I have lost my career, my freedom, my health, my marriage and
    my family. I have been stuck in the same job for many many years while
    all my friends have climbed up the corporate ladder back home in
    India. Its not easy working on an H1B. My marriage has suffered
    because my wife is unhappy that she cannot work, she's close to a
    breakdown, my health has suffered because of all the thinking, and my
    parents have sufferred because I have not been able to take care of
    them. I never have cried so much at my helplessness as I have cried in
    the last one year.

    One thing I have realized about the US is that it is no different than
    any country. Like any other country, the exploitable are always
    exploited. (The big companies are not willing to fight for the welfare
    of their employees. They fight to get more people into the country to
    exploit.) Like any other country, the only thing that gets politicians
    excited is money and votes. (Why do we need so money to lobby the
    politicians? Isn't freedom and justice reasons good enough?) Like any
    other country, it discriminates between the have and the have nots. It
    is a country that has no respect for people. (Ask anyone who goes for
    a visa stamping in the US embassy in India. I have seen old people and
    ladies with small kids spend hours in the hot Chennai Sun to enter the
    embassy for an appointment, just to be spoken rudely by the Visa
    office. There was not even a shelter outside to block the sun. I have
    never seen people turn into US haters so soon). It is a country that
    wants our brains, but is not willing to show a heart.

    Some people may argue that I have the freedom to quit my job and go
    back to my country. But that is not freedom enough. I want the freedom
    to choose when I want to go back. Its not easy to pack 8 years of your
    life in a jiffy. Its not easy to pack 8 years of your life into 2
    suitcases. Neither is it easy to restart your life in a different
    place, even if its your own. It reminds me of an Indian saying -
    "dhobi ka kutta - na ghar ka, na ghat ka". It means, a washerman's dog
    belongs neither to the house nor the river banks. Thats me in a
    nutshell, a "dhobi ka kutta."; a washerman's dog!!!

    ps: I love this country as much as I love my own. But I wish this country loved me back as well.


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  • rahulpaper
    09-13 03:37 PM
    Thanks Pappu

    Pls see the first post on this thread for directions and the URL

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  • susie
    07-13 09:37 PM
    I think it is time to write to Senators and Congressmen about the DREAM Act. Please see the post below that the Act is being re-introduced. It is under the thread "Alert from AILA for Dream Act Support". We should make sure that it is appplied to all children, including documented. As it last stood in CIR, the DREAM Act applied to only undocumented children.

    I am a legal skilled immigrant, came here in 1995, and am still in line for GC. My son aged-out 3 years ago, and daughter will age-out in a month. Both of them would be on path to GC and citizenship under the DREAM Act....only if they had come here as undocumented. The DREAM Act allows the benefit till age 30, whereas legal dependants age-out at 21. Why this discrimination against legal entrants?

    I am planning to send emails to as many senators as possible over the weekend.

    Alert from AILA for Dream Act Support

    The Senate is currently considering the FY 2008 Department of Defense Authorization (H.R. 1585). Senators Specter and Leahy have offered the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act as an amendment to the bill; and Senators Durbin, Hagel, and Lugar are planning to offer the DREAM Act as an amendment. Call your senators now and urge them to vote YES on these amendments!

    Any assistance you can give to help legal age out children would be fantastic I sent an e-mail to Weldon's office for an update today as we are waiting to hear if he will use our legislation and get a co sponsor to amend the cspa


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  • belmontboy
    09-16 07:43 PM
    has anyone tried renewing their DL in CA based on a receipt of extension?

    YEs, I did.

    Mailed renewal notice along with $$. Got back DL valid for 5 years

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  • newbie2020
    05-02 07:22 AM
    I watched the video and One of the things I noticed was the difficulty the State dept is facing to keep the numbers within limitation so they tend to achieve 90%-95% because the legislative limitation doesn't allow them to go beyond even by few numbers

    When i compare the same situation with that of an IPO of a company. Typically a company coming out with an IPO will have certain number of shares authorized to sell, In addition to that they also reserve certain small number in addition to these to accommodate any excess shares issued by the underwriters.

    Why don't we have some numbers similar to that. This would make the life of the State dept much easier.

    Any thoughts


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  • eb3_nepa
    07-16 12:20 PM
    $1 gas money saved from not going to subway :D :cool:

    Good one!

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  • bskrishna
    07-11 11:54 AM
    I am of the opinion that the dates might retrogress to somewhere in 2005 June as the worst case (by Oct-Nov), because the 05 numbers should really be low to start with due to PERM issues. Again this is just my educated guess.


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  • gctest
    09-13 09:59 PM
    july 07 filer yes.. but I have a PD of mid 2004... How in the name of almighty is that out of turn?

    but you are too stupid anyway
    so go home now..... and please don'y forget to pickup meds for your gonorrhea form csv pharmacy :D:D:D

    Are you July 07 filer who got the EAD out of turn? I bet you are.
    And if you are, keep your loud mouth shut! Before you pontificate, look at people and others like you who got in and created a mess!

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  • go_guy123
    03-12 11:58 PM
    My application was finally approved yesterday after almost 7 years in queue. Here is the sequence of events right before the approval.

    RFE email on 02/13/09
    2nd Biometrics Notice received on 02/17/09
    Lawyer receives RFE for EVL, EAD cards and Marriage Certificate on 02/24/09
    Completed Code 3 Biometrics on 02/26/09
    Soft LUD immediately after Biometrics on 02/26/09
    USCIS receives RFE reply on 02/27/09, Hard LUD and email on the same day
    Another soft LUD on 03/02/09
    CPO email on 03/10/09
    Welcome email on 03/10/09

    My PD has been current for a long time, but my application had not been touched and then suddenly USCIS became a model of efficiency. I am sure they are opening applications and approving or RFE'ing all they can. Hang in there guys.

    I am a bit curious. How did you manage to stay in same company for 7 years. Or did you do labor transfer or changed company using EAD/AP.

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  • qualified_trash
    08-09 02:51 PM
    just one correction:
    Legal immigrants pay taxes at higher rates due to their immigration status

    I do not think the above is true.

    07-11 11:41 AM
    I can understand the excitement. I am also in EB2 2005 PD. But the fact is that, this seems like a temporary movement only...i don't think dates can stay at 2006, going by simple math.

    PPl can give me those red marks, but i think dates will retrogress again by Oct.

    Nope I dont agree. Even though theres any retrogression it would be very mild.

    07-06 04:54 PM
    nice and humourous. Very good.

    coz we need some place to go for vacation ;)

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