Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • xyzgc
    02-08 11:02 PM
    Wow, there you go! How come it becomes 'stupid' when a girl spends husband's money to support her parents?

    Did I even say this? What are you saying? Go see a shrink :D

    Read first what I said.

    Stop sending money to parents and in-laws, if its possible. Otherwise, maintain parity by sending money in small amounts to both parents. Its stupid to say my wife is not working so she has no business to send money to her parents. Its so wrong and I'm surprised folks can think like this. Marriage is about sharing and even a child will tell you that. If the in-laws are any sensible they won't accept gifts from the son-in-law but its for them to decide.And stop receiving any gifts from either sides.

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  • santb1975
    05-25 04:17 PM
    with your contributions.

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  • guyfromsg
    08-21 12:13 AM
    I live in Georgia and I agree with you all. All these DMVs were sleeping and woke up after 9/11 and imposing these strict rules that makes everyone's life miserable. Unless you live in a city life will be hell without DL and we are sweating it over every time a renewal comes up. How am I suppose to explain DMV guy about I-94, H1 extension etc. Even some immigration officers in airport give wrong I-94 expiry date without understanding the difference between visa stamp and extension.

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  • ravi.shah
    08-24 09:37 AM
    No point in bashing each other guys....
    Its not like, USCIS is reading these forums and are going to do something about it.
    Just take it easy....


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  • Milind123
    09-13 02:24 PM
    One more contribution needed for this round. Please make me go from this :( to :D

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  • GCAmigo
    02-23 07:18 PM
    What is LUD

    Lost Until Death!



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  • indyanguy
    11-05 08:11 PM
    So far lot of discussions on how to start LLC/Inc
    but how to start a company without changing current status

    Here is my status:

    My wife and I are on H1 and we got our EAD's now the question are:-

    My wife remains on her H1 for safe....until we get GC.

    Is it possible me to stay on H1 and start a LLC using my EAD to do a parttime business ?

    Please provide Pros and cons if any.....


    According to some lawyers, once you start using your EAD for either full time or part time work, your H1 is invalidated

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  • gcformeornot
    01-05 08:19 PM
    I have been confused by some of the things Professor Wadhwa says -- being opposed to H1 visas and saying there are no shortages of engineers. I saw this video on Youtube which explained everything to me. He is acting like a true American -- like we should once we become citizens. He is advising America on how they can stay competetive -- like all of us want for this great country. But he is also saying that the real solution is for America to welcome immigrants as permanent residents rather than on temporary visas.

    Now I understand his message -- if you want to bring in the best from all over the world, bring them here on green cards -- not H1 visas. I also read one of his interviews where he said he was concerned about how H1 workers were taken advantage of and how they lived in immigration limbo. He really does care about doing what is right for all of us.

    I totally totally agree with Professor Sahib! I wish the government listens to him. What he is saying is good for everyone. As Indians we want America to succeed and prosper and we want to be a big part of the reason they prosper.

    Please see this and give it a good review --


    Its completely conflicting. I think somebody edited it to suit themselves. There are contracdictions everywhere.


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  • kumhyd2
    07-13 03:00 PM
    guys! who have those documents/letters being sent can you have a scanned copy of these documents/letters so that others can just download them and attach them with their email instead of cut copy paste and format. May be the administrators can have file/document section some where on the site so that people can grab the documents and send out to whoever they want to

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  • shantanup
    06-11 01:05 PM
    multiple year eads & ap - may or may not happen
    visa recapture - no chance
    visa increase - will not happen

    still contribute??

    Do you usually get paid first and then work? Do you get the returns first then you invest? Do you get the overpaid tax back first and then you file the tax return?

    How do you know in advance that visa recapture and visa increase will not happen?


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  • bigboy007
    06-03 06:52 PM
    Yep thats true , as of now all this shouldnt stop one from filing 140/485 what ever it is , we are only trying to interpret to the best of our knowledge in current format. For ex. if you remember labor substitution bill was introduced in Last year 2006 and every one was eager and curious about it but it was only enacted in July 2007. Similarly i 100% believe they will give some time to switch and in case it would be good enough buffer. If you think u can file dont even think of rest , right what is law is what should it be.

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  • himu73
    09-09 01:18 PM
    You need to have proper knowledge of the market to invest anywhere. Most of the things you have stated make it clear that you have never been a real estate investor.

    I think you missed a chance by not investing in India through 2001 to 2005.Money has doubled tripled and there are buyers who can afford to buy in Tier 1 cities. Those are not the EMPLOYED people but the SELF-EMPLOYED ones.

    Study the market carefully and make sound decisions whether India or anywhere but dont make comments based on some analysis.

    Also,Investing is an ongoing exercise, whether Real estate,Stocks. you cannot just wake up one day and say I want to invest in Indian real estate. You need to build a portfolio similar to the way you do for Stocks. Start with a some research and a small investment. My suggestion is to join a group of people who are already doing some Real estate investment and go along with them. Just reading someone else's comments and coming to a conclusion is not good. Do more research ,Invest time, Wait for the right opportunity.

    Just my few cents.

    Just additionally, It is not a good idea to invest in a House in India right now just as a pure Investment. You are right on that part.


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  • ars01
    03-12 04:50 PM
    This is unbelievable!

    Your PD is Apr 03 EB3 India and you got your GC. You won a lottery buddy. Any LUDs etc in recent past?
    No LUDs. I had not checked my case status in the last 4 months and then I just received this email.

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  • eb3_nepa
    07-11 11:04 AM
    I pray for EB3 brothers and sisters and they realizing so called american hope sooner with CIR.

    CIR is the Worst thing on the planet for the legals.


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  • lp2007
    09-16 02:16 AM
    Just made a one time contribution of $100
    Order Details - Sep 15, 2007 23:30 GMT-07:00
    Google Order #412727833594707

    Unfortunately I cannot be at DC, but Thank You all for the efforts.

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  • sanju
    03-12 03:57 PM
    Great! Someone should give you an award for motivation

    For your information, i have contributed to IV monetarily. It just does not show up on the handle for some reason i do not know.

    So you are looking for motivation? Your post do not indicate that you are looking for motivation. There are those who are undecided or who cannot find enough energy/motivation to do something, and those people need motivation. You don't fall in that category. You are pretty much convinced that you don't belong here. Now you are just spoiling the environment to make sure that others all leave looking at you and mad-dog bickering. And one need not be a rocket scientist to figure that out. Its obvious. There goes your flag for "award for motivation". What's next, you need a shoulder to cry?



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  • santb1975
    06-06 03:47 PM
    We need to do this

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  • priti8888
    07-18 04:07 PM
    Consider I-485 Processing as a 2 Door Room. Front Door is for people who's PD has been current for the given month and can apply & Back Door is for Adjudicating People who are already applied & still current for that month.

    The size of the room depends on what date they retrogress it to. If Cutoff date is say 2002, there are few people in that room who would be ready for adjudication. Instead if cutoff date is say 2006, there will be a huge number of people in the room.

    As long as you stay in that room for more month (be current), the more chance you have of getting adjudicated fast, but also depends on how many people are ahead of you per RD.

    Assuming the possibility that PD will be "unavailable" for the next few months at least, then on what basis do they allot visa numbers . PD or 485 receipt date

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  • nlssubbu
    08-14 03:04 PM
    The following are the reason for Eb3 situation.
    Anyone who have 3 year or 4 year degree can apply. So Other country also there is a demand. So it is nearly impossible to get other country quota. For a few thousand green cards atleast 100k persons might have applied till 2008 in EB3. So there is not much chance for improvement. It may move a few months to 2 years in 2009.If some bill is passed then most persons will get relief. But still some chances for recapture bill in house. But the reaction at Senate to be seen. Next year they may give a best attempt for CIR so that Congressmen will get a chance to do overtime also for hot news in Media. As usual CIR is unpredictable at best.

    EB3 does not require a 4 year degree. It consists of people helping in cooking, full time baby sitters from third world countries, helpers in grocery stores, farm workers, nurses, etc as well. This is why the participation of EB3 folks here is very less and IV attracts only the technical work force. I would suggest a mass campaign to attract this crowd as well to IV for support. Even if they are brought, due to the low wage rate I do not think how much of contribution that will result for IV.

    This is my observation so far.

    04-03 11:18 AM
    Every one is living with full of hopes.. Please no fight.

    06-03 03:44 PM
    If you are eligible to file I-140/485 now then how come you are stuck?

    Remember nothing has become law yet..

    My labor was approved 8 months ago. Although i submitted all the documents to my attorney 5 months ago My employer is yet to file. the fact is i am eligible to file for 140/485/ead/ap. So now i am stuck. Will this affect me.Thanks in advance.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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